Tutorial by Examples

Open-source implementation for .NET and Mono written in C#, licensed under Apache License 2.0. It relies on DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime). It supports only version 2.7, version 3 is currently being developped. Differences with CPython: Tight integration with .NET Framework. Strings are Unicode...
Open-source implementation for JVM written in Java, licensed under Python Software Foundation License. It supports only version 2.7, version 3 is currently being developped. Differences with CPython: Tight integration with JVM. Strings are Unicode. Does not support extensions for CPython writt...
Transcrypt is a tool to precompile a fairly extensive subset of Python into compact, readable Javascript. It has the following characteristics: Allows for classical OO programming with multiple inheritance using pure Python syntax, parsed by CPython’s native parser Seamless integration with the ...

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