Tutorial by Examples

Formula in A1 ={"Item name","Quantity";"Apples",2;"Blueberries",5} Important: In certain countries the comma is used as a decimal separator (e.g: €1,00). If that's your case, you would need to use backslashes ( \ ) instead: (Docs) ={"Item name"\...
RowAB1FruitApple2WeekdayMonday3AnimalDog Formula on C1 ={A1:A3} Result RowC1Fruit2Weekday3Dog Alternative formula =ARRAYFORMULA(A1:A3)
A1:A4 have A,B,C,D. B1 have the following formula: =ARRAYFORMULA({A1:A4,ROW(A1:A4)}) Result ABC1AA12BB23CC34DD4

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