Tutorial by Examples

TestNG requires JDK 7 or higher to use. According to http://testng.org/doc/download.html in order to install testng you need to add testng dependency to your maven pom.xml or gradle build.gradle file Maven: <repositories> <repository> <id>jcenter</id> <name...
package example; import org.testng.annotations.*; // using TestNG annotations public class Test { @BeforeClass public void setUp() { // code that will be invoked when this test is instantiated } @Test(groups = { "fast" }) public void aFastTest() { System.out...
Writing and executing a simple TestNG program is mainly 3 step process. Code - write business logic of your test and annotate it with TestNG annotations Configure - add information of your test in testng.xml or in build.xml Run TestNG - it can be invoked from command line, ANT, IDE like Eclipse...
Sample build.gradle file: plugin: 'java' repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() jcenter() } dependencies { compile "org.testng:testng:6.9.12" } test { useTestNG() { suiteXmlBuilder().suite(name: 'Sample Suite') { test(name : 'Sample Te...
How to install TestNG in eclipse Open eclipse Click on Help > Install New software Click Add Provide name & URL - http://beust.com/eclipse Select TestNG Click Next Click Finish It will take some time to install TestNG Once installed then restart eclipse. Lets c...

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