Tutorial by Examples

Here we have a class Counter with methods countNumbers() and hasNumbers(). public class Counter { /* To count the numbers in the input */ public static int countNumbers(String input) { int count = 0; for (char letter : input.toCharArray()) { if (Character....
From Wikipedia: A test fixture is something used to consistently test some item, device, or piece of software. It can also enhance readability of tests by extracting common initialisation / finalisation code from the test methods themselves. Where common initialisation can be executed once in...
From JavaDoc The Theories runner allows to test a certain functionality against a subset of an infinite set of data points. Running theories import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; @RunWith(Theories...
If you need to check if your testing method takes too long to execute, you can do that by mentioning your expected execution time using timeout property of @Test annotation. If the test execution takes longer than that number of milliseconds it causes a test method to fail. public class StringConca...

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