Tutorial by Examples

This code shows a simple example of animation in Unity. For this example, you should have 2 animation clips; Run and Idle. Those animations should be Stand-In-Place motions. Once the animation clips are selected, create an Animator Controller. Add this Controller to the player or game object you w...
This example will show how to make and use animation clips for game objects or players. Note, the models used in this example are downloaded from Unity Asset Store. The player was downloaded from the following link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21874. To create animations, firs...
Sprite animation consists in showing an existing sequence of images or frames. First import a sequence of images to the asset folder. Either create some images from scratch or download some from the Asset Store. (This example uses this free asset.) Drag every individual image of a single animati...
Animation curves allows you to change a float parameter as the animation plays. For example, if there is an animation of length 60 seconds and you want a float value/parameter, call it X, to vary through the animation (like at animation time = 0.0s; X = 0.0 , at animation time = 30.0s; X = 1.0, at...

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