Tutorial by Examples

As of Kafka 0.9, the new high level KafkaConsumer client is availalbe. It exploits a new built-in Kafka protocol that allows to combine multiple consumers in a so-called Consumer Group. A Consumer Group can be describes as a single logical consumer that subscribes to a set of topics. The partions ov...
KafkaConsumers request messages from a Kafka broker via a call to poll() and their progress is tracked via offsets. Each message within each partition of each topic, has a so-called offset assigned—its logical sequence number within the partition. A KafkaConsumer tracks its current offset for each p...
KafkaConsumers can commit offsets automatically in the background (configuration parameter enable.auto.commit = true) what is the default setting. Those auto commits are done within poll() (which is typically called in a loop). How frequently offsets should be committed, can be configured via auto.c...
There are multiple strategies to read a topic from its beginning. To explain those, we first need to understand what happens at consumer startup. On startup of a consumer, the following happens: join the configured consumer group, which triggers a rebalance and assigns partitions to the consumer ...

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