Tutorial by Examples

First Initialize FirebaseDatabase: FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(); Write to your database: // Write a message to the database FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(); DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("message"); myRef....
Complete the Installation and setup part to connect your app to Firebase. This will create the project in Firebase. Add the dependency for Firebase Realtime Database to your module-level build.gradle file: compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-database:10.2.1' Configure Firebase ...
This example assumes that you have already set up a Firebase Realtime Database. If you are a starter, then please inform yourself here on how to add Firebase to your Android project. First, add the dependency of the Firebase Database to the app level build.gradle file: compile 'com.google.firebase...
Denormalization and a flat database structure is neccessary to efficiently download separate calls. With the following structure, it is also possible to maintain two-way relationships. The disadvantage of this approach is, that you always need to update the data in multiple places. For an example, ...
Before we get our hands dirty with code, I feel it is necessary to understand how data is stored in firebase. Unlike relational databases, firebase stores data in JSON format. Think of each row in a relational database as a JSON object (which is basically unordered key-value pair). So the column nam...
I am gonna assume you already know about adding gradle dependencies firebase in android studio. If you don't just follow the guide from here. Add your app in firebase console, gradle sync android studio after adding dependencies. All dependencies are not needed just firebase database and firebase au...
Take a use case, like a chat app or a collaborative grocery list app (that basically requires a list of objects to be synced across users). If you use firebase database and add a value event listener to the chat parent node or grocery list parent node, you will end with entire chat structure from th...
When you have a huge JSON database, adding a value event listener doesn't make sense. It will return the huge JSON and parsing it would be time consuming. In such cases we can use pagination and fetch part of data and display or process it. Kind of like lazy loading or like fetching old chats when u...

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