Tutorial by Examples

Splatting is done by replacing the dollar-sign $ with the splatting operator @ when using a variable containing a HashTable of parameters and values in a command call. $MyParameters = @{ Name = "iexplore" FileVersionInfo = $true } Get-Process @MyParameters Without splatti...
To use Splatting to call Get-Process with the -FileVersionInfo switch similar to this: Get-Process -FileVersionInfo This is the call using splatting: $MyParameters = @{ FileVersionInfo = $true } Get-Process @MyParameters Note: This is useful because you can create a default set of p...
Declaring the splat is useful for reusing sets of parameters multiple times or with slight variations: $splat = @{ Class = "Win32_SystemEnclosure" Property = "Manufacturer" ErrorAction = "Stop" } Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME @splat Get...
Without splatting it is very cumbersome to try and pass values down through the call stack. But if you combine splatting with the power of the @PSBoundParameters then you can pass the top level parameter collection down through the layers. Function Outer-Method { Param ( [string...

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