Tutorial by Examples

mod_rewrite must be enabled before being used on an Apache server. Debian/Ubuntu Run a2enmod rewrite Then restart Apache with service apache2 restart General case Add or uncomment the following line in the static configuration file (such as httpd.conf): LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_re...
Add the following directive before using any other mod_rewrite directive (RewriteRule, RewriteCond, RewriteBase or RewriteMap). RewriteEngine on By default the engine is turned off. mod_rewrite directives found while the engine is turned off are ignored. Enable it from within the virtual host co...
Important: Using the dynamic configuration files (.htaccess) is a big performance hit. When you have access to the static configuration file (httpd.conf or something similar) you should use that instead. In the static configuration file, allow dynamic configuration files to override "Filei...

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