Tutorial by Examples

Suppose that we have the following text file: jekyll_hyde.txt How do we convert it to a PDF that looks like this: Note the blue border that is added to the titles, and the page number at the bottom of each page. In iText 5, these elements are added using page events: class MyPageEvents extends ...
Suppose that you have the following text file: jekyll_hyde.txt How do we convert it to a PDF that looks like this: Note the page numbers at the bottom of each page. These are added using an IEventHandler implementation: protected class Footer implements IEventHandler { @Override pub...
Suppose that you have the following text file: jekyll_hyde.txt How do we convert it to a PDF that looks like this: Note that this is very similar to what we had before, but the border of the titles now has rounded corners. We created a custom ParagraphRenderer to achieve this, and we created a T...

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