Tutorial by Examples

What is Flink Like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, Apache Flink is a community-driven open source framework for distributed Big Data Analytics. Written in Java, Flink has APIs for Scala, Java and Python, allowing for Batch and Real-Time streaming analytics. Requirements a UNIX-like environment,...
ensure you have java 6 or above and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. download the latest flink binary here: wget flink-XXXX.tar.gz If you don't plan to work with Hadoop, pick the hadoop 1 version. Also, note the scala version you download, so you can add the correct maven...
To run a flink program from your IDE(we can use either Eclipse or Intellij IDEA(preffered)), you need two dependencies:flink-java / flink-scala and flink-clients (as of february 2016). These JARS can be added using Maven and SBT(if you are using scala). Maven <dependency> <group...
This example is the same as WordCount, but uses the Table API. See WordCount for details about execution and results. Maven To use the Table API, add flink-table as a maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-table_2.11&...
Maven Add the dependencies flink-java and flink-client (as explained in the JVM environment setup example). The code public class WordCount{ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception{ // set up the execution environment final ExecutionEnvironment env = E...
This example is the same as WordCount, but uses the Table API. See WordCount for details about execution and results. Maven To use the Streaming API, add flink-streaming as a maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-str...

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