Tutorial by Examples

Expressions are a specific type of object in Julia. You can think of an expression as representing a piece of Julia code that has not yet been evaluated (i.e. executed). There are then specific functions and operations, like eval() which will evaluate the expression. For instance, we could write ...
There are a number of different methods that can be used to create the same type of expression. The expressions intro mentioned the :() syntax. Perhaps the best place to start, however is with strings. This helps to reveal some of the fundamental similarities between expressions and strings in Ju...
As mentioned in the Intro to Expressions expressions are a specific type of object in Julia. As such, they have fields. The two most used fields of an expression are its head and its args. For instance, consider the expression MyExpr3 = Expr(:(=), :x, 2) discussed in Creating Expressions. We...
Creating Expressions mentions that expressions are closely related to strings. As such, the principles of interpolation within strings are also relevant for Expressions. For instance, in basic string interpolation, we can have something like: n = 2 julia> MyString = "there are $n ducks&q...
There are a number of useful web resources that can help further your knowledge of expressions in Julia. These include: Julia Docs - Metaprogramming Wikibooks - Julia Metaprogramming Julia’s macros, expressions, etc. for and by the confused, by Gray Calhoun Month of Julia - Metaprogramming, b...

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