Tutorial by Examples

Buttons are one of the simplest controls and mostly used for executing some code when the user wants. Here we have a really simple case, show a Message box when a button is clicked. We add a button to a form, name it cmdShowMessage as used in code to identify the object and set the buttons text to ...
TextBoxes allow the user to input data into the program. We are going to modify the form and add a textbox so the messagebox show us the message that the user wants. Now our form looks like: And then modify the button click event to use the text of the textbox: private void cmdShowMessage_Click...
ComboBoxes allow the user to choose one of various options provided by the developer. We are going to modify the form and add a combobox so the messagebox show us the message that the user want from a list that we will provide. After adding the combo to the form we now add a list of options to the...
Checkbox is a control that allow user to get boolean values from user for a spesific question like "Are you ok?". Has a event called CheckedChanged, which occurs whenever the check property is changed. Here is a CheckBox that has a question "Is Checked?". We got this Message...
Listbox is a control that can contains collection of objects. Listbox is similar to Combobox but in Combobox; Only selected items are visible to user. In Listbox; all items are visible to user. How to add items to ListBox? private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...
NumericUpDown is control that looks like TextBox. This control allow user to display/select number from a range. Up and Down arrows are updating the textbox value. Control look like; In Form_Load range can be set. private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { numericUpDown...

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