Tutorial by Examples

class IPrototype { public: virtual ~IPrototype() = default; auto Clone() const { return std::unique_ptr<IPrototype>{DoClone()}; } auto Create() const { return std::unique_ptr<IPrototype>{DoCreate()}; } private: virtual IPrototype* DoClone() const = 0; virt...
The prototype pattern can be implemented using the ICloneable interface in .NET. class Spoon { } class DessertSpoon : Spoon, ICloneable { ... public object Clone() { return this.MemberwiseClone(); } } class SoupSpoon : Spoon, ICloneable { ... public object Clone() { ret...
In the classical languages like Java, C# or C++ we start by creating a class and then we can create new objects from the class or we can extend the class. In JavaScript first we create an object, then we can augment the object or create new objects from it. So i think, JavaScript demonstrates actua...

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