Tutorial by Examples

Julia supports regular expressions1. The PCRE library is used as the regex implementation. Regexes are like a mini-language within a language. Since most languages and many text editors provide some support for regex, documentation and examples of how to use regex in general are outside the scope of...
There are four primary useful functions for regular expressions, all of which take arguments in needle, haystack order. The terminology "needle" and "haystack" come from the English idiom "finding a needle in a haystack". In the context of regexes, the regex is the need...
The substrings captured by capture groups are accessible from RegexMatch objects using indexing notation. For instance, the following regex parses North American phone numbers written in (555)-555-5555 format: julia> phone = r"\((\d{3})\)-(\d{3})-(\d{4})" and suppose we wish to ext...

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