Tutorial by Examples

We have a set of data We would like to see by using the following expression in the detail textbox. we can achieve the Remark =IIF(Fields!Points.Value>=10,"Good","Average")
The IIF statement can be used in expressions to screen for division by zero: =IIF(Fields!PossibleZero.Value=0,0,Fields!Denominator.Value/IIF(Fields!PossibleZero.Value=0,1,Fields!PossibleZero.Value)) SSRS does not short circuit IIF arguments. Therefore, using a single IIF function to screen for ...
Sometimes a complex IF condition is needed. Let's take and example, Assuming we have the following raw data: ItemIDItem NameItem Status1Item 1Tentative1Item 1Pending1Item 1Approved The Goal is: Let's assume our business user ask to see which items are not approved and which are approved. Tentati...

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