Tutorial by Examples

[TestCase(0, 0, 0)] [TestCase(34, 25, 59)] [TestCase(-1250, 10000, 8750)] public void AddNumbersTest(int a, int b, int expected) { // Act int result = a + b; // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected)); }
[TestFixture] public class Tests { [Test] public void Test1() { Assert.That(true, Is.EqualTo(true)); } } A test fixture marks a class as containing tests.
This attribute used t identify a method that is called once to perform setup before any child tests are run. For the new versions we are using OneTimeSetUp as the TestFixtureSetUp is obsolete. OneTimeSetUp [OneTimeSetUp] public void SetUp() { }
This attribute is used to identify a method that is called immediately after each tests, it will be called even if there is any error, this is the place we can dispose our objects. [TearDown] public void CleanAfterEveryTest() { }
The ValuesAttribute is used to specify a set of values for an individual parameter of a test method with parameters. [Test] public void Sum_Works_Correctly( [Values(1, 2, 3)] int x, [Values(4, 5)] int y) { // Arrange var calculator = new Calculator(...

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