Tutorial by Examples

Travis is the original Continuous Integration service that became popular in the Meteor community. It's solid and reliable, has long had a open-source hosting tier, and has run hundreds of thousands of Nightwatch tests over the years. .travis.yml Simply put a .travis.yml file in the root of your ...
Circle is the newer Continuous Integration service that's become popular among Meteorites. It's got all of the latest bells and whistles, as far as continuous integration goes. The following script supports many new features, including: screenshots artifacts git submodules environment detect...
SauceLabs is an Automated Testing Platform for the enterprise. It supports both continuous integration, cross browser testing, and a mobile device cloud. Costs are higher than with Travis, Circle, or BrowserStack, hwoever. { "selenium" : { "start_process" : false, ...
BrowserStack uses a device cloud for cross-browser testing. The intent is to allow testing of Selenium scripts on every device possible. { "selenium" : { "start_process" : false, "host" : "hub.browserstack.com", "port" : 80, }, ...

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