Tutorial by Examples

Django is a full stack framework for web development. It powers some of the most popular websites on the Internet. To install the framework; use the pip tool: pip install django If you are installing this on OSX or Linux, the above command may result in a permission error; to avoid this error, ...
Django is a full stack, feature rich web development framework. It bundles a lot of functionality together to provide a common, quick and productive experience for web developers. Django projects consist of common settings, and one or more applications. Each application is a set of functionality al...
A view is any piece of code that responds to a request and returns a response. Views normally return templates along with a dictionary (called the context) which usually contains data for placeholders in the template. In django projects, views are located in the views.py module of applications. Th...
In django, a template is simply a file that contains special tags which may be replaced by data from the view. The canonical template example would be: <strong>Hello {{ name }}, I am a template!</strong> Here, the string {{ name }} identifies a placeholder that may be replaced by a ...
In django, there is a url mapper which maps URLs to specific functions (views) which return responses. This strict separation between the file system layout and the URL layout allows great flexibility when writing applications. All url patterns are stored in one or more urls.py files, and there is ...

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