Tutorial by Examples

Modal is a temporary UI that is displayed on top of your current page. This is often used for login, signup, editing existing options and selecting options. Let us look in to a simple example with modals used. To begin with we are creating an ionic blank project. Let us create a simple modal displa...
We now know how to create a modal. But what if we want to pass some data from modal to our home page. To do so, let us look into an example with modal as Register page passing parameters to parent page. Register.html <ion-header> <ion-toolbar> <ion-title> Login ...
Passing parameters to a modal is similar to how we pass values to a NavController. To do so, we are altering our list in home.html to open a modal when clicking a list item and passing the required parameters as a second argument to the create method. Home.html <ion-list> <ion-item ...

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