Tutorial by Examples

primary requirement is that java should be installed in your system.there is two option for setting the jersey in the Eclipse IDE is first manually download the jersey jars from this link.and the in the project->add external jars you can add these libraries there.[https://jersey.java.net/download...
this is the simple example of getting the hello world plain text message as output on calling the GET request. import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; @Path("/hello") public class HelloExample { @GET...
This example demonstrates the use of GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP Methods in doing CRUD operations on a REST resource I am using the below software, frameworks and tools: Jersey 2.25.1 JDK 1.7.x (Java 7) Eclipse IDE Kepler Apache Maven 3.3.9 Apache Tomcat 7.x Please follow the below ste...

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