Tutorial by Examples


In order to execute JavaScript in a IWebDriver instance you need to cast the IWebDriver to a new interface, IJavaScriptExecutor IWebDriver driver; IJavaScriptExecutor jsDriver = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor; You can now access all the methods available on the IJavaScriptExecutor instance which...
To execute Javascript in python, use execute_script("javascript script here"). execute_script is called on a webdriver instance, and can be any valid javascript. from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.execute_script("alert('running javascript');") ...
To execute Javascript in Java, create a new webdriver that supports Javascript. To use the executeScript() function, either the driver must be cast to a JavascriptExecutor, or a new variable can be set to the value of the casted driver: ((JavascriptExecutor)driver). driver.executeScript() takes in a...
require "selenium-webdriver" driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome driver.execute_script("alert('running javascript');")

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