Tutorial by Examples

We have a DataListComponent that shows a data we pull from a service. DataListComponent also has a PagerComponent as it's child. PagerComponent creates page number list based on total number of pages it gets from the DataListComponent. PagerComponent also lets the DataListComponent know when user c...
Viewchild offers one way interaction from parent to child. There is no feedback or output from child when ViewChild is used. We have a DataListComponent that shows some information. DataListComponent has PagerComponent as it's child. When user makes a search on DataListComponent, it gets a data fro...
Service that is used for communication: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'; @Injectable() export class ComponentCommunicationService { private componentChangeSource = new Subject(); private newDateCreationSource = new Subject<Date&...

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