Tutorial by Examples

You must have installed Heroku Toolbelt first. Having an account in Heroku and installation of ember-cli-deploy are mandatory. Creating a new Heroku instance from an Ember CLI application's parent directory: $ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli.git ...
Firstly, it's required to install Microsoft’s module ember-cli-azure-deploy. You need to be in your application root directory. npm install --save-dev -g ember-cli-azure-deploy azure-deploy init If you are using Yarn package manager you can simply install by: yarn global add ember-cli-azure-de...
First, you need to install Firebase tools. Simply, run the commands below: Npm Package manager npm install -g firebase-tools or Yarn package manager yarn add firebase-tools To configure your application to be ready to deploy you need to run the following in your app’s root directory: fire...
To proceed with the deployment to S3, we will install these plugins: ember-cli-deploy-s3-index: It uploads the index.html to S3 with revision information, and activates it ember-cli-deploy-s3: It uploads the assets (js, css and other media files) to S3 As they are Ember addon you can easily i...

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