Tutorial by Examples

In a nutshell, Our Custom Element Should Have a Built in Search Functionality, that searches and marks places on the map. Accept An attribute called location-array , which is a list of places Have a Listener , for listening to an event called “google-map-ready“.This event is fired, when the ele...
Getting You Browser Ready - Polyfill it Create a new landing page for our element, at index.html. Include polyfills for a custom element to work.Also import the custom element g-map, which we registered with Polymer. Note: Webcomponents, are the necessary polyfill for browser support. Polym...
For Searching a place, we use the powerful element that Polymer ships, called google-map-search . All you need to do, is pass a map object and a query string to the element like so: <google-map-search map=[[map]] query=[[query]]></google-map-search> How do we pass the map ob...
Our goal however, was to make a list of places mark all of them on the map and, mark any other place of our choice, by using the search box We have a search box, where the user can search for one query at a time.In order to accommodate multiple queries, we need to cache the results for each ...
<link rel=import href="../bower_components/google-map/google-map.html"> <link rel=import href="../bower_components/google-map/google-map-marker.html"> <link rel=import href="../bower_components/google-map/google-map-search.html"> <link rel=import...

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