Tutorial by Examples

typealias SuccessHandler = (NSURLSessionDataTask, AnyObject?) -> Void This code block creates a type alias named SuccessHandler, just in the same way var string = "" creates a variable with the name string. Now whenever you use SuccessHandler, for example: func example(_ handler: S...
typealias Handler = () -> Void typealias Handler = () -> () This block creates a type alias that works as a Void to Void function (takes in no parameters and returns nothing). Here is a usage example: var func: Handler? func = {}
typealias Number = NSNumber You can also use a type alias to give a type another name to make it easier to remember, or make your code more elegant. typealias for Tuples typealias PersonTuple = (name: String, age: Int, address: String) And this can be used as: func getPerson(for name: Strin...

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