Tutorial by Examples

Service broker is technology based on asyncronous communication between two(or more) entities. Service broker consists of: message types, contracts, queues, services, routes, and at least instance endpoints More: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522893.aspx
USE [MyDatabase] CREATE MESSAGE TYPE [//initiator] VALIDATION = WELL_FORMED_XML; GO CREATE CONTRACT [//call/contract] ( [//initiator] SENT BY INITIATOR ) GO CREATE QUEUE InitiatorQueue; GO CREATE QUEUE TargetQueue; GO CREATE SERVICE InitiatorService ON QUEUE...
For this demonstration we will use service broker construction created in another part of this documentation. Mentioned part is named 3. Create basic service broker construction on database (single database communication). USE [MyDatabase] DECLARE @ch uniqueidentifier = NEWID() DECLARE @msg XML...
For this demonstration we will use service broker construction created in another part of this documentation. Mentioned part is called 3. Create basic service broker construction on database (single database communication). First we need to create a procedure that is able to read and process data f...

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