Tutorial by Examples

Example init script for scollector: #!/bin/bash # # scollector Startup script for scollector. # # chkconfig: 2345 90 60 # description: scollector is a replacement for OpenTSDB's TCollector \ # and can be used to send metrics to a Bosun server # Source function library. . /etc/init....
Here is an init.d script for Bosun that includes setting Environmental Variables that can be used to hide secrets from the raw config. It uses http://software.clapper.org/daemonize/ to run the program as a daemon. #!/bin/sh # # /etc/rc.d/init.d/bosun # bosun # # chkconfig: - 98 02 # descripti...
#Create Bosun unit file at /etc/systemd/system/bosun.service [Unit] Description=Bosun Service After=network.target After=rsyslog.service [Service] Type=simple User=root ExecStart=/opt/bosun/bosun -c /opt/bosun/config/prod.conf Restart=on-abort [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target #...
#Create Scollector unit file at /etc/systemd/system/scollector.service [Unit] Description=Scollector Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=root ExecStart=/opt/scollector/scollector -h mybosunserver.example.com Restart=on-abort [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target #...
TSDBRelay can be used to forward metrics to an OpenTSDB instance, send to Bosun for indexing, and relay to another opentsdb compatible instance for backup/DR/HA. It also has options to denormalize metrics with high tag cardinality or create redis/ledis backed external counters. #Create tsdbrelay un...
Chef Scollector Cookbook: https://github.com/alexmbird/chef-scollector Chef Bosun Cookbook: https://github.com/ptqa/chef-bosun Puppet scollector module: https://github.com/axibase/axibase-puppet-modules Bosun Ansible/Vagrant example: https://github.com/gnosek/bosun-deploy
As a privileged user (root or sudo): Create scollector directory: mkdir /opt/scollector In the /opt/scollector directory, download the latest binary build from the bosun/scollector site, [http://bosun.org/scollector/][1] wget https://github.com/bosun-monitor/bosun/releases/download/"version...

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