Tutorial by Examples

The Vector3 structure contains some static variables that provide commonly used Vector3 values. Most represent a direction, but they can still be used creatively to provide additional functionality. Vector3.zero and Vector3.one Vector3.zero and Vector3.one are typically used in connection to a...
A Vector3 structure can be created in several ways. Vector3 is a struct, and as such, will typically need to be instantiated before use. Constructors There are three built in constructors for instantiating a Vector3. ConstructorResultnew Vector3()Creates a Vector3 structure with co-ordinates of...
The Vector3 structure contains some static functions that can provide utility when we wish to apply movement to the Vector3. Lerp and LerpUnclamped The lerp functions provide movement between two co-ordinates based off a provided fraction. Where Lerp will only permit movement between the two co-or...

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