Tutorial by Examples

Any Chrome extension starts as an unpacked extension: a folder containing the extension's files. One file it must contain is manifest.json, which describes the basic properties of the extension. Many of the properties in that file are optional, but here is an absolute minimum manifest.json file: ...
Background pages are implicit pages which contain background scripts. A background script is a single long-running script to manage some task or state. It exists for the lifetime of your extension, and only one instance of it at a time is active. You can declare it like this in your manifest.json: ...
A content script is extension code that runs alongside a normal page. They have full access to the web page's DOM (and are, in fact, the only part of the extension that can access a page's DOM), but the JavaScript code is isolated, a concept called Isolated World. Each extension has its own content...
Options pages are used to give the user the possibility to maintain settings for your extension. Version 2 Since Chrome 40 there is the possibility to have the option page as a predefined dialogue at chrome://extensions. The way to define an option page in the manifest.json is like the following:...
In the extension code you can use any chrome.* API if you decalared the required permissions. In addition, some API's works only from background pages, and some API's works only from content scripts. You can use most of chrome.tabs methods declaring any permissions. Now we focus on chrome.tabs.crea...

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