Tutorial by Examples

Installing Progress Download your distribution from Progress. If you want a demo license you need to contact them. Make sure you download a 64-bit and not a 32-bit tar file (unless you happen to run a 32-bit machine). Windows The download will be a zip archive. Unpack it and simply run setup.exe....
Once you've started your Progress editor of choice (there are a couple of options) simply write: DISPLAY "Hello, World!". And run by pressing the corresponding key or menu item: On Windows in AppBuilder: F1 (Compile -> Run) On Linux/Unix in the 4GL editor: F2 (or ctrl+X) (Compile ...
Another example of "Hello World" style programs is FizzBuzz. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cOut AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DO i = 1 TO 100: /* Dividable by 3: fizz */ IF i MODULO 3 = 0 THEN cOut = "Fizz". /* Dividable by 5: ...
Linux/Unix Once you have Progress installed it's very easy to run. You only need a couple of environment variables. The directory where Progress was installed (default /usr/dlc but can be something else) needs to be in the DLC-variable DLC=/usr/dlc And you might also want the "bin" s...
This shows how to create the demo database used in big parts of Progress documentation: sports2000. This assumes you have installed the Progress products with at least one type of database license. Run proenv script/bat-file that will give you a prompt with all environment variables set. Create ...
/* In all versions of Progress ABL you can write multi line comments */ /* They can also span a single line */ //Starting with version 11.6 you can also write single line comments //Can you nest single line comments? //Yes you can string = "HELLO". //A single line comme...
Progress ABL code is normally stored in files with different ending depending on what they contain. The endings are optional but rather a defacto standard: Filename extensionContains.pA Progress program. Can contain several internal procedures, functions etc.iInclude file to be included in other fi...
Once the sports2000 database has been installed it's time to run it as a standalone server (and not connect to it as a file). Start proenv (proenv in the startmeny on Windows or /usr/install-directory/bin/proenv on Linux/Unix). This example is from Windows. Linux is the same but you need to change...

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