Tutorial by Examples

Option 1: Leiningen Requires JDK 6 or newer. The easiest way to get started with Clojure is to download and install Leiningen, the de facto standard tool to manage Clojure projects, then run lein repl to open a REPL. Linux curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/l...
The Clojure community puts a large emphasis on interactive development, so quite a lot of interaction with Clojure happens within a REPL (read-eval-print-loop). When you input an expression into it, Clojure reads it, evaluates it, and prints the result of the evaluation, all in a loop. You should b...
After following the instructions above and installing Leiningen, start a new project by running: lein new <project-name> This will setup a Clojure project with the default Leiningen template within the <project-name> folder. There are several templates for Leiningen, which affect the...
Note: you need to install Boot before trying this example out. See the Installation and Setup section if you haven't installed it yet. Boot allows making executable Clojure files using shebang (#!) line. Place the following text into a file of your choice (this example assumes it's in the "cur...
boot -d seancorfield/boot-new new -t app -n <appname> This command will tell boot to grab the task boot-new from https://github.com/seancorfield/boot-new and execute the task with the app template (see link for other templates). The task will create a new directory called <appname> wi...

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