Tutorial by Examples

Make sure you link the Angular and Angular Material libraries! index.html: <html ng-app="mdButtonApp"> <head> <!-- Import Angular --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.8/angular.min.js"></script&gt...
This example will be using the class md-icon-button, which must be applied to <md-button> in order to get an icon button. It is also recommended to add an aria-label attribute to <md-button> for accessibility purpose or the ARIA provider will throw a warning that there is no aria-labe...
So, well, how on earth do you create a <md-button>, you may ask? All you have to do is to enter a <md-button>, along with your text for the button in it. index.html: <div ng-app="MdButtonApp"> <md-content ng-controller="Controller"> <h2...

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