Tutorial by Examples

Before setting up a Selenium grid you need to make sure you have Java installed and configured in your computer’s environment path. Configure the Hub Download latest stable Selenium Server version. Start the command prompt and navigate to the location in which you placed the Selenium server jar...
An example configuration for a hub: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role hub -hubConfig hubConfig.json { "_comment" : "Configuration for Hub - hubConfig.json", "host": ip, "maxSessions": 5, "port": 4444...
Configuration In the following paragraphs there wil be an example per browser for the configuration in Json and setup in C#. This example expects you to have all the drivers in your path variable and browsers installed. Microsoft Edge C# code to create a remote webdriver // Defining webdriver v...
Configuration In the following paragraphs there wil be an example per browser for the configuration in Json and setup in C#. This example expects you to have all the browsers installed and the drivers in your path variable Microsoft Edge C# code to create a remote webdriver // Defining webdrive...

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