Tutorial by Examples

A theme changes the global skin of Sublime Text 3. It changes the tabs, side bar, quick panels (goto, command palette), status bar, etc... Here's a non-exhaustive list of themes (top 100): Predawn Material Theme Theme - Spacegray Seti_UI Theme - Brogrammer Theme - Flatland Theme - Soda ...
The color schemes changes the colors of the code. They can change, for example, with which color the keywords are highlighted, with which color the line the caret is on is highlighted (needs highlight_line to be set to true in the preferences (not part of the cojor scheme)), what is the color of the...
Plugins are .py files that changes the behaviour of Sublime Text 3. They are written, as you probably guessed, in Python. Because there is plenty of different sort of plugins (text manipulation, linting, formatting, preview, etc), we will not give any example to not over populate this page with a h...
A package is a folder that can contain anything that is listed in these examples (and other thing that can have nothing to do with Sublime Text 3, such as a gulpfile.js if you're automating some tasks). You can install any package using the create Package Control. A .sublime-package ? Maybe you'v...
The settings, are, as many things on Sublime Text 3, simple JSON files. Though, the extension of the file isn't .json but .sublime-settings. As you probably understood, the settings changes how the packages affects Sublime Text 3. It is important to be aware of as much settings as possible to optimi...

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