Tutorial by Examples

Here is some sample XML against which example XPaths can be written: <r> <e a="1"/> <f a="2" b="1">Text 1</f> <f/> <g> <i c="2">Text 2</i> Text 3 <j>Text 4</j> </g&gt...
For the sample XML (without namespaces): This XPath, /r/f/text() will select the text node with this string value: "Text 1" And this XPath, string(/r/f) will return the string value of f, which is also: "Text 1"
For the sample XML (without namespaces): This XPath, /r/e will select this element: <e a="1"/>
If the input HTML DOM is <html> <body> <a>link</a> <div class='container' id='divone'> <p class='common' id='enclosedone'>Element One</p> <p class='common' id='enclosedtwo'>Element Two</p> ...
A quick way to test your xpath is in your browser developer tool console. Format is $x('//insert xpath here') $ - specifies it is a selector. x - specifies it is using xpaths Example: $x("//button[text() ='Submit']") When this command is entered it will return all occurrences...

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