Tutorial by Examples

First of all you should know that you can extend Android.Application class so you can access two important methods related with app lifecycle: OnCreate - Called when the application is starting, before any other application objects have been created (like MainActivity). OnTerminate - This...
Activity lifecycle is quite more complex. As you know Activity is single page in the Android app where user can perform interaction with it. On the diagram below you can see how Android Activity lifecycle looks like: As you can see there is specific flow of Activity lifecycle. In the mobile appl...
As you know you can have one activity but different fragments embedded in it. That is why fragment lifecycle is also important for developers. On the diagram below you can see how Android fragment lifecycle looks like: As described in the official Android documentation you should implement at le...
If you would like to get base project with methods described below you can download Xamarin.Android application template from my GitHub. You can find examples for: Application lifecycle methods Activity lifecycle methods Fragment lifecycle methods https://github.com/Daniel-Krzyczkowski/Xamar...

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