Tutorial by Examples

What is Kibana: Kibana is used for making visualizations and creating dashboards for the indexes presented in elasticsearch. Basically, it is an open source plug-in for elasticsearch. There are Six Tabs: Discover: You can explore your data from Discover tab Visulization: Creating v...
prerequisites: To run kibana you need to install supported version of elastic search. for install elastic search refer this link Elasticsearch documentation KibanaElasticsearch4.0.0 - 4.1.x1.4.x - 1.7.x4.2.x2.0.x4.3.x2.1.x4.4.x2.2.x4.5.x2.3.x4.6.x2.4.x5.x5.x The Kibana can be downloade...
For kibana configuration open config/kibana.yml and point your elasticsearch address. By default it is http://localhost:9200 Before starting elasticsearch check whether elasticsearch is running. Becuacuse it is relies on Elasticsearch. For windows: run bin/kibana patch file. For Mac: ...

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