Tutorial by Examples

To include an icon font in your CSS, you can include the following code : @font-face { font-family: 'myfont'; src:url('fonts/myfont.eot?-td2xif'); src:url('fonts/myfont.eot?#iefix-td2xif') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/myfont.woff?-td2xif') format('woff'), ...
To use an icon in your HTML, you can do each of the following : <!-- Method 1 --> <!--- * * * * * * * * * * * * --> <!-- Set a font-family for an entire HTML element --> <!-- Define your icon fonts in your CSS font-family after your regular fonts --> <!-- This means ...
Consider a down-pointing triangle. There are several correct ways to display this symbol on a web page. Method 1 : use decimal HTML entity HTML : ▼ Method 2 : use hexidecimal HTML entity HTML : ▼ Method 3 : use character directly HTML : ▼ Method 4 : use CS...
The following is a list of popular icon fonts: Font Awesome Fontello Modern Pictograms Typicons Foundation Icon Fonts Pictonic Pictos

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