Tutorial by Examples

To use the Table API, add flink-table as a maven dependency (in addition to flink-clients and flink-core): <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-table_2.11</artifactId> <version>1.1.4</version> </dependency&gt...
Given the CSV file peoples.csv: 1,Reed,United States,Female 2,Bradley,United States,Female 3,Adams,United States,Male 4,Lane,United States,Male 5,Marshall,United States,Female 6,Garza,United States,Male 7,Gutierrez,United States,Male 8,Fox,Germany,Female 9,Medina,United States,Male 10,Nich...
In addition to peoples.csv (see simple aggregation from a CSV) we have two more CSVs representing products and sales. sales.csv (people_id, product_id): 19,5 6,4 10,4 2,4 8,1 19,2 8,4 5,5 13,5 4,4 6,1 3,3 8,3 17,2 6,2 1,2 3,5 15,5 3,3 6,3 13,2 20,4 20,2 products.csv (id, n...
A Table can be written to a TableSink, which is a generic interface to support different formats and file systems. A batch Table can only be written to a BatchTableSink, while a streaming table requires a StreamTableSink. Currently, flink offers only the CsvTableSink interface. Usage In the examp...

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