Tutorial by Examples

A DO WHILE loop will continue to loop unless the WHILE-part is met. This makes it easy to run forever and eat up all time from one CPU core. DO WHILE expression: END. expression is any combination of boolean logic, comparisons, variables, fields etc that evaluates to a true value. /* This is...
This iteration changes a value from a starting point to an end, optionally by a specified value for each step. The default change is 1. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DO i = 10 TO 15: DISPLAY i WITH FRAME x1 6 DOWN . DOWN WITH FRAME x1. END. Result: ---------------i ...
REPEAT, will repeat itself forever unless you explicitly exit the loop: //Runs forever REPEAT: // Do stuff END. To exit the loop you can use the LEAVE keyword. With or without a label. Without a label LEAVE will always effect the current loop. With a name you can specify what loop to LEAV...

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