Tutorial by Examples

The primitive types in OpenCV are unsigned char, bool, signed char, unsigned short, signed short, int, float, double. Any data type in OpenCV is defined as CV_<bit-depth>{U|S|F}C(<number_of_channels>) where U: unsigned, S:signed and F:floating point. For example, CV_32FC2 is a 32-bit, ...


Mat (Matrix) is an n-dimensional array that can be used to store various type of data, such as RGB, HSV or grayscale images, vectors with real or complex values, other matrices etc. A Mat contains the following information: width, height, type, channels, data, flags, datastart, dataend and so on. ...


Vec (Vector) is a template class for numerical values. Unlike c++ vectors, it generally stores short vectors (only a few elements). The way a Vec is defined is as follows: typedef Vec<type, channels> Vec< channels>< one char for the type>; where type is one of uchar, short, i...

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