Tutorial by Examples

Detailed instructions on getting Nativescript set up or installed. The following examples show the required steps to set up a Windows or OSX system and then sign post to troubleshooting guides in case you have any trouble. In addition, there are examples of how to set up recommended workflows, IDE...
Ensure you have the most recent Node.js LTS installed. If you use Homebrew this can be done with brew install node4-lts. Open Terminal and type npm install -g nativescript. If you get an EACCES error, use sudo npm install -g nativescript. In the command prompt type ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL htt...
Ensure you have the latest nodeJS LTS installed Open command prompt and type $ npm install -g nativescript In the command prompt type $ @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://www.nativescript.org/setup/win'))" - ...
Visual Studio Code is an open-source and feature-rich code editor from Microsoft. To set it up it for NativeScript development, open the Command Palette (F1 or ⌘+Shift+P) and type ext install NativeScript. Once the NativeScript extension is installed, the debugger should allow you to set breakpoint...
$ mkdir hello-world $ cd hello-world $ tns create hello-world --ng $ tns platform add android #You can only add ios on an OSX machine Then ensure you have a device connected or an emulator running (if you don't, the default emulator should start or an error will be raised. I would recommend ge...
1-You need to connect your device to your computer via USB cable. Make sure USB debugging is working. You can check if it shows up when running adb devices(or tns device). 2-Run adb tcpip 5555 3-Disconnect your device (remove the USB cable). 4-Go to the Settings -> About phone -> Status...

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