Tutorial by Examples

These are some of useful mouse functions to control the mouse. size() #gave you the size of the screen position() #return current position of mouse moveTo(200,0,duration=1.5) #move the cursor to (200,0) position with 1.5 second delay moveRel() #move the cursor r...
These are some of useful keyboard functions to automate the key pressing. typewrite('') #this will type the string on the screen where current window has focused. typewrite(['a','b','left','left','X','Y']) pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS #get the list of all the keyboard_keys. pyautogui.hotkey('ct...
These function will help you to take the screenshot and also match the image with the part of the screen. .screenshot('c:\\path') #get the screenshot. .locateOnScreen('c:\\path') #search that image on screen and get the coordinates for you. locateCenterOnScreen('c:\\path') #get th...

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