Tutorial by Examples

To develop an application for watchOS, you should start with Xcode. Xcode only runs on macOS. At the time of writing, the latest version is Xcode 8.3. If you want to start a new project from scratch: Boot up your Mac and install Xcode from the App Store if it's not already installed. Choo...
Each watchOS target includes an App and an Extension. App contains the UI stuff and Extension contains the actual logic (similar to Views and Models in MVC architecture in iOS). Each WatchKit App has a Interface.storyboard file which you design the app in it, and a Assets.xcassets file to put your ...
Like iOS where you use @IBOutlet and @IBAction, here you could use them too. Let's say we have a button which when clicked changes the label's text to something else. To get started: Add a WKInterfaceLabel and a WKInterfaceLabel to the InterfaceController. Ctrl-Drag from the WKInterfaceL...

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