Tutorial by Examples

The pack() geometry manager organizes widgets in blocks before placing them in the parent widget. It uses the options fill, expand and side. Syntax widget.pack(option) Fill Determines if the widget keeps the minimal space needed or takes up any extra space allocated to it. Attributes: NONE (defa...
The grid() geometry manager organises widgets in a table-like structure in the parent widget. The master widget is split into rows and columns, and each part of the table can hold a widget. It uses column, columnspan, ipadx, ipady, padx, pady, row, rowspan and sticky. Syntax widget.grid(options) ...
The place() manager organises widgets by placing them in a specific position in the parent widget. This geometry manager uses the options anchor, bordermode, height, width, relheight, relwidth,relx, rely, x and y. Anchor Indicates where the widget is anchored to. The options are compass directions...

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