Tutorial by Examples

The below coordinator job will trigger coordinator action once in a day that executes a workflow. The workflow has a shell script that moves input to output. <coordinator-app name="log_process_coordinator" frequency="${coord:days(1)}" start="2017-04-29T06:00Z" ...
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name="shell-wf"> <start to="shell-node"/> <action name="shell-node"> <shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-n...
nameNode=hdfs://namenode:port start=2016-04-12T06:00Z end=2017-02-26T23:25Z jobTracker=yourjobtracker poolName=yourpool oozie.coord.application.path=${nameNode}/hdfs_path/coord_job_example/coord workflowAppUri=${oozie.coord.application.path} myscript=myscript.sh myscriptPath=${oozie.coord.ap...
inputDir=${1} outputDir=${2} hadoop fs -mkdir -p ${outputDir} hadoop fs -cp ${inputDir}/* ${outputDir}/
Copy the script, coordinator.xml and workflow.xml into HDFS. coordinator.xml must be present in the directory specified by oozie.coord.application.path in job.properties. workflow.xml should be present in the directory specified by workflowAppUri. Once everything is in place, run the below command f...

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