Tutorial by Examples: ansi

public void setCardColorTran(View view) { ColorDrawable[] color = {new ColorDrawable(Color.BLUE), new ColorDrawable(Color.RED)}; TransitionDrawable trans = new TransitionDrawable(color); if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { view.setBackgrou...
My laptop is having Windows 10. Here i am giving steps that you can follow to test and learn Ansible. SOME THEORY For Ansible you need a Control Machine and a host(or hosts) to run the Playbook. Control Machine should be Linux based or MacOS(windows not allowed) and need Python (2.6 or higher v...
It is a powerful and mostly used keyword in Ansible to run Playbook using Ad-Hoc commands Example: ansible-playbook demo.yml Further Reading on ansible-plabook
hosts: mysql tasks: name: Add mysql user user: name: mysql shell: /sbin/nologin name: install the latest version of libselinux-python yum: name: libselinux-python state: latest name: install perl yum: name: perl state: latest name: remove the mysql-libs package y...

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