Tutorial by Examples: artifact

The case modifier causes the Scala compiler to automatically generate common boilerplate code for the class. Implementing this code manually is tedious and a source of errors. The following case class definition: case class Person(name: String, age: Int) ... will have the following code automati...
An artifact built by Maven can be declared as a Maven plugin by specifying the packaging as maven-plugin in the pom.xml. <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging> You need to declare a dependency on the plugin API and annotations. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.maven&lt...
1. Fetching the JSON response for last modified (latest) artifact latestArtifactUriResponse=curl -u username:password --silent https://hostname.com/artifactory/api/storage/<repo_name>/<folder_name>/?lastModified | grep uri | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed s/\"//g | sed s/,//g It will ...

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