Tutorial by Examples: d

var numbers = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var firstNumber = numbers.First(); Console.WriteLine(firstNumber); //1 var firstEvenNumber = numbers.First(n => (n & 1) == 0); Console.WriteLine(firstEvenNumber); //2 The following throws InvalidOperationException with message "Sequence contain...
var numbers = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var lastNumber = numbers.LastOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(lastNumber); //5 var lastEvenNumber = numbers.LastOrDefault(n => (n & 1) == 0); Console.WriteLine(lastEvenNumber); //4 var lastNegativeNumber = numbers.LastOrDefault(n => n < 0); Con...
var oneNumber = new[] {5}; var theOnlyNumber = oneNumber.SingleOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(theOnlyNumber); //5 var numbers = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var theOnlyNumberSmallerThanTwo = numbers.SingleOrDefault(n => n < 2); Console.WriteLine(theOnlyNumberSmallerThanTwo); //1 var theOnl...
var numbers = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var firstNumber = numbers.FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(firstNumber); //1 var firstEvenNumber = numbers.FirstOrDefault(n => (n & 1) == 0); Console.WriteLine(firstEvenNumber); //2 var firstNegativeNumber = numbers.FirstOrDefault(n => n < ...
For classes, interfaces, delegate, array, nullable (such as int?) and pointer types, default(TheType) returns null: class MyClass {} Debug.Assert(default(MyClass) == null); Debug.Assert(default(string) == null); For structs and enums, default(TheType) returns the same as new TheType(): struct...
The readonly keyword is a field modifier. When a field declaration includes a readonly modifier, assignments to that field can only occur as part of the declaration or in a constructor in the same class. The readonly keyword is different from the const keyword. A const field can only be initialized...
var numbers = new[] {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5}; var distinctNumbers = numbers.Distinct(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", distinctNumbers)); //1,2,3,4,5
Returns a new dictionary from the source IEnumerable using the provided keySelector function to determine keys. Will throw an ArgumentException if keySelector is not injective(returns a unique value for each member of the source collection.) There are overloads which allow one to specify the value t...
var names = new[] {"Foo","Bar","Fizz","Buzz"}; var thirdName = names.ElementAtOrDefault(2); Console.WriteLine(thirdName); //Fizz var minusOnethName = names.ElementAtOrDefault(-1); Console.WriteLine(minusOnethName); //null var fifthName = names.Eleme...
var numbers = new[] {2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7}; var numbersOrDefault = numbers.DefaultIfEmpty(); Console.WriteLine(numbers.SequenceEqual(numbersOrDefault)); //True var noNumbers = new int[0]; var noNumbersOrDefault = noNumbers.DefaultIfEmpty(); Console.WriteLine(noNumbersOrDefault.Count()); //1 C...
Generating a new object in each step: var elements = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; var commaSeparatedElements = elements.Aggregate( seed: "", func: (aggregate, element) => $"{aggregate}{element},"); Console.WriteLine(commaSeparatedElements); //1,2,3,4,5, Using th...
public class LivingBeing { string Name { get; set; } } public interface IAnimal { bool HasHair { get; set; } } public interface INoiseMaker { string MakeNoise(); } //Note that in C#, the base class name must come before the interface names public class Cat : LivingBei...
interface BaseInterface {} class BaseClass : BaseInterface {} interface DerivedInterface {} class DerivedClass : BaseClass, DerivedInterface {} var baseInterfaceType = typeof(BaseInterface); var derivedInterfaceType = typeof(DerivedInterface); var baseType = typeof(BaseClass); var derived...
Overloading just equality operators is not enough. Under different circumstances, all of the following can be called: object.Equals and object.GetHashCode IEquatable<T>.Equals (optional, allows avoiding boxing) operator == and operator != (optional, allows using operators) When overrid...
string sqrt = "\u221A"; // √ string emoji = "\U0001F601"; // 😁 string text = "\u0022Hello World\u0022"; // "Hello World" string variableWidth = "\x22Hello World\x22"; // "Hello World"
try { /* code that could throw an exception */ } catch (Exception ex) { /* handle the exception */ } Note that handling all exceptions with the same code is often not the best approach. This is commonly used when any inner exception handling routines fail, as a last resort.
try { /* code to open a file */ } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { /* code to handle the file being not found */ } catch (System.IO.UnauthorizedAccessException) { /* code to handle not being allowed access to the file */ } catch (System.IO.IOException) { /* cod...
The ?. operator is syntactic sugar to avoid verbose null checks. It's also known as the Safe navigation operator. Class used in the following example: public class Person { public int Age { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Person Spouse { get; set; } } If a...
Similarly to the ?. operator, the null-conditional index operator checks for null values when indexing into a collection that may be null. string item = collection?[index]; is syntactic sugar for string item = null; if(collection != null) { item = collection[index]; }
// assigning a signed short to its minimum value short s = -32768; // assigning a signed short to its maximum value short s = 32767; // assigning a signed int to its minimum value int i = -2147483648; // assigning a signed int to its maximum value int i = 2147483647; // assigning a s...

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